Discuss Your Whole Day In Bullets.

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Discuss Your Whole Day In Bullets

  • First I wake up
  • Brush teeth and wash my face
  • Take my puppy out
  • Feed him
  • Put on makeup and outfit
  • I do my hair
  • Eat breakfast if I have time
  • Say goodbye to my puppy
  • Get out the door
  • Get to school
  • Say "Hey" to my friends
  • Go to class
  • Read book
  • Go to first class
  • Learn
  • Go to gym, music, or tech
  • Eat lunch
  • Go back to my first class
  • Then go to my second class
  • Learn
  • Go to my third class
  • Learn
  • Free Time
  • Go Home
  • Come inside my house
  • Take my puppy out
  • Feed him
  • Find something to eat for me
  • Chill or do homework
  • Dinner
  • Feed Okie (my puppy)
  • Brush teeth and wash face
  • Sleep
  • 1:30 AM - Actually sleep
Okay, that's it my loves! 
Bye, my Loves ♥


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